What Is The Best Natural Treatment For Plaque Psoriasis On The Scalp ? Find
Tar shampoo
Because me and my youngest sister both have paoriasis my mother has tried very hard over the years to come up with a natural solution, she has no problem with short term steroid ointment use but sometimes we've both become resilient after using it for too long! My scalp was always bad, it was the most irritable psoriasis I had , my mom found a UK company - essentially yours! And it's the most amazing thing I have used for my scalp .. I use their shampoo from the paoriasis and dermatitis range , each time I wash my hair and it keep all my paoriasis at bay.. The only time I get a flare up on my scalp is when I don't use it.. It's affordable and well worth a shot. I know everyone's different but it worked miracles for me!
Have you tried virgin coconut oil it's also great for your hair
Natural sun
A lot of people say cider vinegar clears it up, also coconut oil is fabulous for your hair and stops that horrible tight feeling on the scalp. Both loosen the plaques as well :)
I Am Very Fair Skinned And Have Had Basal Cell Cancer More Than Once. I Now Have Plaque Psoriasis On My Scalp Which Does Itch.
Psoriasis On Scalp, Eyelids, And On Rest Of Body.
What Information Can I Get Regarding Plaque Psoriasis