I Love To Swim But Have Been Too Embarrassed To Go To The YMCA Since My Psoriasis Is All Over My Legs. Anyone Else With This Problem?
Same goes for getting pedicures - I am too embarrassed and am afraid of others thinking I am contagious!
Let them look. They have nothing better to do? Trust me, they’re lives aren’t perfect and they’re just looking just to make themselves feel better. I have psoriasis all over. Sometimes way worse than others. I’ll wear shorts, tank tops and Bathing suits. If people don’t like it or are offended by me then they can go somewhere else cos I’m not leaving.
I'm on stelara now so don't have that problem but do remember when I did. Sometimes I would be self conscious and not go swimming and sometimes I would say..I don't really care what people think and people can stare all they want and I would just go..guess it depended on my mood.
I still have psoriasis under my toe nails which looks gross and I have gone for pedicures. I tell them as soon as I go in that I have psoriasis and that my toe nails are really sensitive and I must say she cleaned, cut and shaped my toe nails like I have never seen before. I really likes it and enjoyed it and would recommend trying it
Have you tried Humira? i had it all over my legs and arms. Clear now.
I have the same issue my local swimming baths have let me in a few times with leggings but you can actually purchase leggings that are made for water too
I know this sounds weird but are your feet small blisters and they dry skin. I have the same issue.
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