Does Anyone Know Anything To Use Apart From Moisturiser ?
I use constant moisturisers and vaselines but does anyone know what can last longer to keep it moisturised longer? I'm getting fed up of constant applying it?
Oils and thick like paste like creams lock in moiture longer than runny lotions id highly recommend coconut oil or vaseline repair moisturiser i use both of them especially before bed so they can work on dry skin whilst i sleep
Be very careful in what creams ur using especially the scent i find scented things makes mine worse sometimes even feels like burning i use epederm prescribed from my gp but most of the moisturisers have turned into ointment now a more greasy cream i dont like this as it ruiens your clothes but it does work
I have just started using a new moisturiser that I get from the doctors, it is very thick and keeps skin moisturised for ages, it's called calciprobase. The thicker the cream then the lo Germany your skin will stay moisturised, if it's just a small area you could always apply cream and wrap cling film around, best to do at night
try using tea tree oil mixed with cream Hope it helps
MG217, it smells but really keeps you moisturized
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