Has Other Had Issues With Core Muscles Being Weak Or Weakened Over Time?
Just wondering if this is related or not to psa in some
I think a lot of us with PsA have some common symptoms and side effects, but reading other's issues also tells me it also affects each of us differently as well....this disease definitely has a learning curve, especially when other issues such as allergic sensitivity have to be factored in. I have been on a regular, low to no impact workout regimen for the past 5 years, the swimming part and water sports helps me personally so much, it has made the "on- land" portions of my workout less painful and has helped my endurance a lot. I personally haven't noticed any specific tiredness in my core, I stretch as well, carefully but as much as I can safely take, I'm still decently flexible and I am noticing great results with my core workouts, I'm a 54 years old with PsA working against me but I have better developed core muscles now than I did when I was in the military. The "six-pac" abs have come back as well....I have my definite issues with this disease don't get me wrong...that's the whole frustrating deal with PsA, it hits various people so differently. I feel happy when what I say is helpful to someone else on this journey but feel awful as well when I hear how some folks struggle with this....I struggled a lot of years before anything began to help...maybe it's empathy, seeing others hurting, really bothers me.
A foam roller has been a God-send for me! $10 at WM
Also a physical therapist can help strengthen your core muscles from being inactive during long flares which can add to back pain along general weakness
Interesting as I have always had weak Muscles as well...I have never associated it to my psoriasis...there might be something in that.
Yes I have had for years! My back sometimes feels like it can't hold me up straight and muscles go into a spasm, so I would say it is related. The bones in my spine are affected by PSA so my opinion is that it's related to that.
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