Does Any Have Dactylitis On Feet?
Just wondering does any have dactylitis on feet and toes? I am 23 and have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Thanks
Yep.. My toes will swell.
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I had pustular psoriasis for about 15 years on hands and feet, quite bad as feet would crack when walking. After being diagnosed with cancer I read that Vit d could help, had my levels checked and extremely low so started taking vit d and psoriasis disappeared. If I forget to take the pills for a couple of days my hands and feet start to itch as if returning. Steroids and barrier creams had not helped prior to vit d. Everyone diagnosed with psoriasis should have their vit d levels checked
I have 2 toes affected. Get quite sore at times. Also have pustular psoriasis sole of left foot. See podiatrist 6 weekly helps me
what is dactylitis?
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