Has Anyone Had Success With Any Of The Oral Medications That Are Available?
My son was talking Acitrine for 18 months worked well for him now moved to methotrexate and starting injections next week to help he's has Generalized Pustular psoriasis
Im taking Acitretin and its working for PPP - pustullar psoriasis
Thank you for your info. My Dr wants to stay away from oral meds. During the winter I cant even go to the pool. I was hoping the meds would help with that.
I took Methotrexate for 2 years, it worked pretty well, my skin wasnt completely clear due to the type of psoriasis I have, with that pill you have to have blood tests every month, my dermatologist stopped it when my liver function tests began to rise, that is one of the side affects with Methotrexate
How Do You Cope With Pain When Standing Or Walking?
Any Suggestions For OTC Creams & Lotions?
Has Anyone Had Experience With METHOTREXATE As A Treatment? Did It Work For You? How Well Did It Work Or Not Work? Any Complications?