Does Anyone Have Advice On Sleeping With Psoriatic Arthritis? I Only Manage About 4-5 Hours Before Pain Wakes Me Up.
I've got a really good mattress that doesn't put pressure on the joints or spine.
I sleep on my sides with my top leg on a very long pillow found at a local bedding shop. The pillow is positioned under my thigh and knee - this helps to keep my back straight and takes pressure off my knees which helps my pain and gives me a good night sleep.
I've been prescribed CBD (marijuana), its been a godsend to use at night before bed.
I’m always tired but if I go out, makeup does wonders for how you really feel.
An adjustable bed and Zolpidem extended realese for me. I have also learned good sleep hygiene is important. I still have rough nights but I have learned over the years to just to relax and not get worked up. I used to just get stressed about the lack of sleep and the pain. In some ways I feel like I am fighting a war. I will loss and win some battles along the way.
Many years ago before the advent of the modern very supportive but soft mattresses I found a secondhand water bed. I was desperate at the time and in terrible pain from a disc problem on top of the Psoriatic Arthritis. The water bed consisted of a huge rubber bag and a very sturdy bed frame. There was a very thin and small heater that was positioned under the big bag before the this bag was filled with cold water.
The heater took about four days to warm the two tonnes of water. Once the water heated the water bed became a beautiful and comfortable place for me to sleep. The combination of the very slight heat and the supportive way the water held my body was ideal. Ten years ago I bought a Tempur Mattress. The Tempur Mattress works very well and of course is much lighter than two tonnes.
I sleep on my side with a long pillow under my top leg to keep my spine properly aligned and another pillow to support my top arm. I do find on very bad mornings the electric blanket on 1 seems to be enough to get me moving. I use silk sheets, it’s easier to turn during the night.
Getting ready for bed takes time, if I do it right it’s a good sleep. Hope this helps.
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