Does Sunbed Treatment Really Work
I have read about people using sunbeds to help with psoriasis. Has anyone used this method and how long did it take you before it started to help.
The tanning bed helped mine go into remission, but the best thing i have ever done is go to the pool....I have been in Florida for four weeks and i go to the pool and my psoriasis is GONE
I have used it in the past and it works well. Although in Vegas I cant find a dermatologist that will prescribe PUVA treatment. Just Sux!
Same here Paul last 12 years methatrexanate
I had sunbed treatment twice in a hospital. Two sessions a week starting at 30 seconds, building up to 25 minutes. My skin cleared for about 6 months and then the odd patch started coming back. I was put through the course again but after a few weeks my skin couldn't take it and I was just burning so that was cancelled abd back to the drawing board. This was about 12 years ago.
No good in rainy cold UK.!!
Does Anyone Else Suffer With Erythrodermic Psoriasis
I Have Psoriasis On My Lips And Cannot Find Treatment For It. Does Anyone Any Treatments That My Work?