Does Anyone Use Simponi? I Will Be Starting It IV In 2 Weeks. Was Hoping To Hear Something Positive About It.
I am tired all the time. Started over 5 years ago and has continued to get worse. I recently found out I am extremely low on vitamin D, so have been put on a prescription strength dose. Hoping it helps.
Hi, Im new. I didnt know tireness was one of symptoms wow.
Im always tired but keep moving. I have to take care of grandchildren. But I feel tired, out of energy, legs het tired if walking or doing thing around the house. I hope it is just old age.
Thanks. I will be getting if IV on Friday. I hope it helps with the tiredness.
I took it by self injection, it worked well for awhile until I built up an immunity to it,but that seems to be the way they all work for me....good luck I hope you get some relief!
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