Does Anyone Have Their Flare Ups On The Palms Of Their Hands?
Do you have Palmar Plantar PustularvPsorias? (PPPP). I use Calcipotrene and Clobetasol topicals which work but i have to be patient! Clear skin on palms is the rewardvover 2-3 weeks!
I only have it on my right hand. I work on a computer all day and some days, it is unbearable. I found that neosporin ointment helps better than any of the many RX cremes i have tried. Hope this helps.
Eucerin products seem to help my hands.
A friend told me about it and I decided to give it a chance. I haven’t been sorry. All the pharmacies and even some of the grocery stores carry it.
I'm an engineer and have psoriasis on both hands knees and elbows plus ear lobes!! (What's that about?) I use different creams at work but as you can understand I'm using my hands so cant use gloves all the time. I've started humira self injection and been on it for 2 months there is a slight improvement but it's really slow
I have and at present it seems to be improving, but that may be because I'm having to cover myself (neck downwards) with 50/50 and dermovate so my hands are getting covered more than once as I apply the gloop and using dermacol for washing my hands. Also if I have to have my hands in water, i.e. washing up etc., I always wear rubber gloves.
I Have Psoriasis On The Palm Of My Hand Onmy Wrist, Does Anybody Else Have It There
Does Anyone Else Have With Splits In The Palms Of Their Hands And The Soles Of Their Feet And If So Do They Have Any Solutions
Can You Exfoliate And If So Can You Use Exfoliation Instrument On All Of Your Body Or Just Have One For Your Psoriasis?