Has Anyone Else Had Trouble With Weight Gain After Being Diagnosed With And Treated For Psoriatic Arthritis?
I have always been able to control my weight, however since I have been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and been taking all of the related NSAIDS and biologics. I have watched my diet carefully, exercised when possible despite some pain from the PsA afterwards. Still unable to lose weight. It has moved around though from my upper body to my waist. I hate being fat.
My weight shifted around my middle too. A side effect of prednisone. Eat lots of vegetables, some fruit, good fats, and proteins. Less sugar. I have lost and kept off 40 lbs. Very slowly, over many years.
Dear Anne I have P/A for the last 17 years. I count my calories for me the dietitian said I should not go under 16oo calories a day. ( A lot of people loose 5 lbs a week on it. I went gluten free for 3 years and lost 15 lbs without any effort. Maybe look to see if you are gluten sensitive. Dr Osborne has a lot to say about auto immune issues and gluten
Hi. I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis when I was 20 having had psoriasis since childhood. Since then my weight has ballooned. I've tried everything to lose weight without success and now with methotrexate and another 14 other tablets a day I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I've also not been offered any help to lose weight. I don't over eat but as I now have limited mobility that doesn't help. I hate being fat!
Hi Teach, I'm right there with you! I take prednisone and have gained so much weight, you are not alone! Amy
How Do You Know If You Have Psoriatic Arthritus?
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How Is Psoriatic Arthritis Diagnosed?