How Many Of You Have Pain Bilaterally From PsA? I.E. Both Wrists....
I'm trying to decide if my Lupus is causing it or if my PsA is bilateral. I'm having pain in both wrists, elbows, hands, and ankles. The only unilateral areas are my si joint and hip.
When I was diagnosed in 2010 and for many years after, my joint pain was bilateral. One side might be slightly more painful but if my right knee, shoulder etc hurt then so did my left. I find that even now my pain tends to be bilateral but now notice that one side is significantly more painful, swollen and stiff than the other. Even my psoriasis is in the same areas of the right and left arm and leg.
Its not uncommon for it to move around sometimes i dont know what is going to hurt one week to the next
I have pain in both wrists,knees,heels,elbows my left thumb only and right hip
I have been the same way !
I have pain in both hand, wrists, feet, one shoulder and one hip.
Wrist & Hand Pain
Does Anyone With PsA Know If This Could Be A Sign Of Arthritis, It Seems To Be Getting Bigger Too.
Does Anyone With PsA Suffer From Sporadic/widespread Joint Pain?