Is It Possible For Someone To Have All Three Types Of Arthritis??
I have been told by my arthritic/allergy doctor I have all three arthritis's: rheumatoid, osteo, and psoriatic arthritis. I also psoritis on my skin. I also have Crohn's disease. Is it possible to have all three? How do you tell which one is causing the joint pain?
Yep... unfortunately... I am burdeded with x4 Traumatic, Osteo, Rhumatoid, and since 2018 ...
Psoriatic Arthritis... keep moving!!
Yes, it is possible. Your Rhuematologist would have to do blood work to determine this but is very possible.
Sure. RA and PsA are going to lead to OA eventually. RA is just another autoimmune disease, whereas OA is not.
Yes it is possible to have all three.
I was negative for the Rheumatoid Factor even though my maternal grandmother had RA. I've got Osteoarthritis and PsA
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