Candida Over Growth OR Leaky Gut
Does anyone have a definitive answer as to Which condition contributes to Psoriasis?
According to Dr Berg 100% of people with Psoriasis or an autoimmune disease have a leaky gut.
Mine is having Hoshimotos Thyroiditis, ( it is an Autoimmune disease and it tends to go along with it.) From all that I have read. I think it differs with each individual. Much Love hugs and prayers to you!
I believe anything that comprimises our immune system can contribute to our flares .
I think this is cart before the horse--I have IBS (irritable bowel) which is also hereditary. I have frequent yeast imbalances, but anyone with an inflammatory body disease is more likely to get these. The biologic medications one takes can also make it more likely for you to get sick, meaning you have to take antibiotics more frequently, which upset vaginal and intestinal flora.
I do know this 70-80% of our immunity is in our gut..if ur microbiome in ur gut is compromised, such as over growth of bad bacteria,or not enough of the good,or u have a leaky gut and ur good nutrients r "leaking " out it is going to cause an autoimmune response..this is why ALL ur organs get involved..I say HEAL THE GUT ,HEAL THE the commercial where the people r throwing antibiotics at EVERYTHING..find the root of the problem and maybe we would not need all these harmful meds..and i am def.not speaking for everyone..this is simply my opinion...but we have all heard eatting yogurt with active bifiditis,and lactobacillus organisms in it is good for ur gut..i drink activia daily but there has to be more..good luck with ur research...
Does Anyone Know How Long It Takes Your Hair To Grow Back From A Bad Flareup Of Psoriasis On Your Scalp?
What Is Leaky Gut? What Causes It? What Helps With This?