Does It Itch?
So I had my first dermatology appt and it went well. She diagnosed it as psoriasis and I need to see a rheumatologist to see if I have PsA. But my question is: does your psoriasis itch? She asked me why I was there, I said my doctor thinks I have psoriasis. She asked if it itched, I told her yes. She said "That's weird, psoriasis isn't itchy. " I was very confused. I just said oh, maybe it's something else. When she looked at it, it was instantly "oh yeah, that's definitely psoriasis". I even… read more
Find a new Dermatologist. The itching is a hugh part of my psoriasis! Day and night!
OMG are you sure she's even qualified? Psoriasis is INCREDIBLY ITCHY!!!
Exactly what Leslie said. I'm STILL shocked your derm would say that. How long has she been in the field? O. M. G.
I have never heard anyone say that psoriasis doesn't itch. Mine itches horribly. I wake myself up at night scratching. Makes you kind of wonder if she missed the day they covered psoriasis in med school. Lol.
It definitely is the definition of itch! I would find a rheumatologist for treatment because she is very uninformed about the disease. Take care
How Do You Deal With The Itch
If It Has Stopped Scaling And Is Just Red, Is It Going Away?
Please Please Please Can Anyone Help With The Relief Of This Dreadful Itching?