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Any Relief For Patches On/around Eye/eyelid Area?

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pittsburg, KS

Does anyone struggle with patches on their eyelids? It’s really just popped up in the past few months. Inner Corner of my left eye gets really scaled up as well. There isn’t anything that seems to give lasting relief. I’m currently taking 150mg of Cosentyx every 4 weeks. I’ve tried using Pomifera oil on it (which has helped some of my other patches) but it doesn’t seem to really help my eyelids.

July 25, 2021
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I use Vtama too, but find from recommending it that it worked on about 40% of those who participated in trials.. so it’s best to ask for some samples and then test in some small inconspicuous place.. other than your face, lol.. to see if you respond well to it before going all in..

The great thing about it is it is approved for long term use without the rebound and bad organ effects that steroids have annnd has the side effect of creating “medication vacations” where you can stop using it for months at a time :) I wrote about my experience with it in my profile Story and updates linked there.

April 26, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Last year my doctor finally found me a topical ( no steroids:) that works for me. It may not work for everyone, but it’s changed my life. It’s been oked by the FDA for longterm us anywhere on the outside of the body. Read about it in my profile story, where I explain what I’ve learned.

March 10, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I have the same problem I use ponds cold cream on my face ,because its so nice & rich in moisture

March 10, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member, thank you! I use Vtama too and am AMAZED at how well it works for me. I read medical studies and reports before trying it and I’m 98% clear.

Reading has also shown me P can have associated eye issues. Dry eye is another and Im trying to learn about IPL or Intense Pulsed Light which the FDA has passed to treat that and I have an upcoming ophthalmologist appointment that I’ll write about.

Even when I’m this clear, I remain concerned about overall disease progression, so I also stick to an anti inflammatory diet @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member but I’ve wanted to share this other tool I’ve found with you in particular, because you’ve shared so much that’s been SO helpful, thank you:

I found and now take the OmegaQuant “Omega-3 Complete Test” which looks at Omega 3 and Several Fatty Acid levels. Science is showing controlling these can lower your inflammation. The only other test I’ve seen that could tell you anything about your body’s responses is C Reactive Protein test or CRP. But the Omega3 Complete Test breaks it way down to specifics and I watched my red levels disappear and felt inflammation levels drop when I changed what I ate. Instead of relying on just my skin response to food, this simple test really showed what’s going on. I read that OmegaQuant does by mail testing for Olympic athletes and I had already done their Vitamin D testing by mail. They offer insurance codes to submit that many companies accept. This helped me get D on track, which has helped me a lot and is apparently harder for people with P to get from food due to digestive issues many of us may not even have other symptoms of.

I wish we all came with instruction manuals, but these simple ideas are now being proven by studies I’m happy to share that led me this way. Hope these things helps others, it took me a long time to learn about. My aim is to find the most effective methods with the lowest side effects. Now I’m trying to learn about the actual science that supports LED light therapy. I try to post about these things, feel free to join my team.

January 11, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

VTAMA sorry earlier spelling was wrong Diane

January 8, 2023

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