Has Anybody Been Prescribed A Methotrexate?
Is anybody on Methotrexate now or has had some Experience with?
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Hi I’m hope you’re doing OK. I did try methotrexate but my liver enzymes skyrocketed after just two weeks(no alcohol involved) so I had to stop taking it. However, we switched to Ariva which is used much the same as methotrexate and which has helped me quite a bit as well as no liver problems. I have taken it now for many years and it continues to work fine.
Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t obliterate the symptoms. It’s just one drug that I add into my daily Bunch that helps song.
Not at all. It is not a pain reliever. It is a DMARD - Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug. You should view it as an 'anti-cancer' drug in that your use needs to be monitored with blood tests to make sure it is not sending you down a hole that emergency medicine cannot pull you out of.
I use it since 1998. But with little dosage. I use it orally with 2.5mg when my conditions get worse. Approximately I use 7.5mg in a month. It's effective on me but may not for all thanks to all members and best of luck 😉
Oh, Joanie62... so srry to hear it's not working4U. I sorta see some good in a Methotrexate Prescrip. ..... I guess; but maybe it's an Idividualized Experience based Upon the Examination of Patient? I am not too Confident taking the Dive, if U know what I mean
Yes i have been on it for years. Only side effect is the blurred vision sometimes but has really worked for me. Lesions onbmy hands sometimes totally disappear. When I get stressed though the drug has little effect on the body's reaction to the drug. Lesions multiply in effect when stressed.
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