Does Anyone Else Suffer With Erythrodermic Psoriasis
I have just found out that I have Erythrodermic Psoriasis covering 95% of my body and my doctor prescribes 60g tube of Ointment and a 500g pump action Moisturiser per month and I am struggling to stop my skin from drying out. The doctor has only recently referred me to see a dermatologist pointing out it may be some time before I get an appointment.
I use Aveeno cream as a moisturiser. It's excellent and has a neutral smell, so ideal for everyone (my 31 year old son has eczema and uses Aveeno cream too)
Hola ColinParson, le recomiendo que acuda a un médico del sistema digestivo, No a un dermatólogo, puesto que NO es problema de su piel. En el libro de Alternativa cura natural de la psoriasis del Dr. John O. A. Pagano. puede conocer como curar su psoriasis sin ningún medicamento.
Un saludo
Have you tried amlactin? A doctor recommended it to me and it really helps. I got at Walgreens over the counter.
Anyone Else An Adult With Gutterate Psoriasis You Usually Get It As A Kid But I’m 44
I Am 52 Years Old Have Had Plaque Psoriasis All My Life Have Recently Developed Another Type Of Psoriasis Erythrodermic