I have been having terrible achilles tendon pain for 2 weeks now. I went to a sports medicine Dr on the 28th,and he diagnosed me with Achilles tendinitis and a heel spur. He has me sleeping with a night splint, some exercises and told me to take ibuprofen for pain and come back in 4 weeks. I asked to be tested for PSA, but he said he didn’t think that was my issue.
I was starting to walk better, but then 4 days ago, I woke up with ankle pain and swelling. I went to my PCP and asked to be tested… read more
Sounds more like plantar fasceitis (sp?) and while many bone, joint and connective tissue issues (including in the eye) can be part of PsA, it is actually fairly rare initially. That said, to the best of my knowledge, there remains no specific diagnostic test- lab or other- that definitively can diagnose PsA. Which is, of course, frustrating for the practitioners as well. There are currently about 150 types of rheumatology-based diseases. Not much help but it's how we live. God bless you and yours.
Great info, Art. PsA is known to affect peripheral vascular system to some degree- probably varies to the individual like every other aspect of the disease. We need to be aware of these type effects.
Hey, all of this sounds Oh too familiar. I know of some Foot Problems associated with the UNK. Try an anti-histamine-Trust Me, it doesn't Fix all the Prob; but it does indeed keep them in check/under control... This is a Great Dr. Berg Video: enjoy.🙂
Hey TiffanyW. I hear this quite a bit on the Support Site. Have U ever tried an anti-histamine? It sounds Odd; but learn about Allergies n such and how We can Prevent Problems from Starting by using a Common [OTC] anti-hist.. Hope it Helps. Happy V's Day!💛
Sorry I am just now seeing this. I do have psoriasis, was diagnosed in 2018. I did finally get in to see a Rheumatologist in October of last year and they did blood work and my ANA came back positive. Speckled, 1:640 so she did more testing for other diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, connective tissue disease and Lupus. All came back negative. I had another bout of pain in July, but this time was wrist pain for about 5 weeks. I couldn’t open anything it hurt so bad. Even writing hurt. Went back to the rheumatologist , but she said since the episodes were so far in between, she didn’t want to prescribe anything. So it’s a waiting game at this point.
Does Anyone Else Have Tingling In Your Hands That Have PsA?
Does Marijuana Use Positively Or Nrgatively Affect Psa Symtoms?
I Have Psoriatic Arthritis, But My Only Skin Symptom Was My Finger Nails, But Now My Skin On My Fingers Get Red, Tight, Itchy, Sore And