Dies Anybody Have Experience With Taking Otezla?
My doctor is going to start me on otezla and just wanted to hear from anyone who has taken it. How does it help? How's the side effects? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
I was on Otezla it got rid of my red splotches really dried them up. I was on it for three months. I had to be taken off because of severe diahrea, nausea, lost 25 lbs in three months.
I have been on Otezla for approximately 8 months. It has mostly cleared my skin which had built up for twenty some years and I had lost hope that anything would help. My rheumatologist feels good prescribing as he says it is safest med available. I'm now able to sleep without waking up to that compelling itch/burning. Side effects have lessened over time.
I’m on otezla now , and Cbd because I don’t want to do biologics because of cancer in my family it takes about 4 months but it helped with my skin the joint pain not so much I really didn’t experience any side effects except headaches
What a bummer. It worked on me but couldn't take the side effects.
I took for scalp psoriasis for 3 months. Side effects were limited to some diarrhea but not bad. Problem is no improvement after 12 weeks
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