Has Anyone Ever Had Psoriasis On Their Lips . It’s More Like Burning And Redness Than Plaques
Any one had this or know how this could be treated I’ve tried oral steroid and prednisone which reduced it by only 30 or 40 percent and it just came back full on after prednisone stopped . Would a topical vitamin D cream help . doctors don’t know what to do .
I have not experienced this, but I would ask the dermatologist to confirm through a biopsy that it is in fact psoriasis.
Sorry you are suffering from this.
As to your lip Q, somewhere yesterday I asked, are you eating or drinking anything regularly that might cause this.. like kombucha or yogurt, a specific tea or ginger? I’m trying to look up D and lips.. and that makes me think you might also best avoid any mouthwash with alcohol now. There are some ‘ safer’ mouthwashes that kill bad but not good bacteria. .. I’ve also seen thrush associated with Pso.
Have you tried cold pressed coconut oil ( yes the hard white stuff used in the kitchen comes in a jar , I buy Nutiva )
That’s mild, and known to be anti fungal anti microbial, yes it sounds like hocus pocus to some people, but., if you’ve ever had Pso in your bellybutton (my mom liked the word navel) then try a bit of cotton ball with CPCO on it.. I’ve even used MCT Oil, like Brain Fuel .. switched up daily. Don’t have an “ Inny?” Try to fashion a cummerbund to hold something there?
In the bellybutton the cotton keeps the inside apart so no skin on skin and then.. the oil does the magic ..changing it frequently, it really works to heal it rom the inside out and then keeping up with it as a preventative top it coming back. No I wouldn’t try this with another cooking oil. This will also work under breasts with medical cotton padding used in bandages.. it’s a little messy, but will heal and prevent P.
Maybe try CPCO on lips for a week or two constantly.. put some in an old lipgloss pot and report back to tell us what you find?
I’m leery of prednisone bc I’ve read things linking it to PPP
This reminds me that there’s a great Pso book which happens to be specifically about PPP by a woman from the Netherlands named ASA Karrman, that I shared about here it a great book for anyone with P, not just PPP.
Cyclosporine concerns me because I believe Pso is tied to the gut. There are much better very specific antibiotics that could address certain bad bacteria in gut ( with is the epicenter of our immune system ) than using very harsh drugs. For example, US Amazon reviews for a probiotic called Florastor https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B01NB0G1V8/ ( click the stars to read reviews) show how this can tackle even C-Diff, which can kill people, where using terribly harsh antibiotics may not kill it but will certainly ruin the gut. That’s using a probiotic called Saccromyces Boulardii, which is good to use if you have Pso and ever have diarrhea..
specific probiotics for Pso are a subject I’m about to tackle in a series of Gut-Skin Axis Updates I just started.
Try to think of anything your Dr may not have checked out. Pso can be a sort of barometer for other healthcare issues. Underlying things that linger unknown can make it flare. Some are appearing here after a COVID shot or a a Flu Vax caused a drop in their immune system and P appeared. P can do the same, I met someone recently who found out of the blue they had Pso and while we were talking about their experience, and shocked they shared coming up positive for HSV, as an older person who isn’t active. That can pop up decades after contact and would probably make Pso much worse, so getting checked for everything possible even if you’re sure you’re clear can be a smart move. The stuff you never consider could be an answer.
So there are other ways around. even certain much more targeted antibiotics have cleared peoples P.. but few Drs either know or will try this. Again, I’m not a fan of antibiotics but can see that special ones, used judiciously do have a role.
Have to get chest X rays allergy tests biopsy etc to find out if I'm bodily riddled with it , had 3 weeks prednisolone did virtually nothing ( did help with psoriasis though) just not the OFG
I saw the dermatologist and getting tests done as he doesn't think is psosiasis but Oro facial granulamatosis probably with an underlying systemic cause like chrohns or sarciodosis or fricken tb or some other such nasty pathogen . What's next I belive now that once on the psoriasis path it means you have a biology or immune pathology which means being more susceptible to multiple immune issues skin systemic or otherwise . No one's even heard of Oro facial granu lamatosis seeing a top dermatologist with decades experience and he's never seen it only heard of it
Psoriasis On Scalp, Eyelids, And On Rest Of Body.
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