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Do U Believe In God✞

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Sterling, CT

Does anybody Believe that Psoriasis is one of The Gods' Lessons in Life?

November 11, 2022
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Remember, Paul had a thorn in his side.

God can use anything we’re going through to bring Glory to Him. To bring us closer to Him. Stay in prayer and stay in the Word.

May 30, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

No I don't believe its one of God's lessons. I do believe that the awful diseases and conditions are actually caused from man's interference with nature and the chemicals we keep putting into our bodies from things like flu shots, vaccines and all those other things we were never meant to have. ALL our pills and tablets etc, are based on petroleum. Yup, look it up! Rockerfeller owned the oilwells in Texas way back over 100 years ago at the turn of the 20th century. He realized that he could make a fortune by using petroleum-based pills instead of the natural remedies that had been around for centuries.....AND WORKED! Then he began a programme of 'rubbishing' the natural remedies saying they were nothing but hocus pokus.....and the people fell for it.
I believe my PPP & PsA, was caused by the flu shots I was told I MUST have for the rest of my life, by my previous doctor. He said if I didn't, then I'd die if I got the flu, so for 10 years I believed him. Then 3 years ago, I started researching this covid stuff and have found it out to be absolute nonsense. I said back then it was a stronger version of the annual flu, but not by much. I have been proven right....why?...because I prayed about it a whole lot and asked God to point me in the right direction in all the turmoil going on. I stopped with the flu shots and I started to see an improvement in my health in the first year. I trusted my own immune system to get back up and run properly, the way it was meant to. I started eating properly (I'm a lazy cook because I don't like cooking) and reducing the number of tablets I was taking. I'm still on them because I have to be but am slowly allowing my body to take over and work these things out. Unfortunately, I can't fix the autoimmune condition of PPP & PsA, or Hashimoto's. I haven't had a flu shot since, and I won't have another one either.
I do not rely on the doctor's 'say-so', simply because they are busy people and have to see so many people each I am trying natural remedies as well.....AND things are improving.

June 5, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I have so many in proverbs I can't nail one down, I do love a verse in Isaiah, I think lol, where it's stated HE is the Potter, And we are but HIS clay. It sounds poetically beautiful yet simple and to the point to me, especially in the King James Version. I tried something I'd never done with the Holy Bible, I just simply read it from the beginning right on through until I finished it, like reading a large epic novel. I've studied chapters and verses and verifying scripture with itself, but not like one big long historical epic. I have a very vivid mind when I read and reading the Bible this way a few years ago put me right there front row, witnessing these historical events from the scripture, for me it was almost like seeing them in I-Max. 😃

February 15, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Yes, I'm definitely a believer 🤙

February 12, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I believe we have all been sent here spiritually, for a purpose. What happens to our bodies along our journey, is just another thing to deal with.
God is THE higher power and we who believe know that. Sometimes we have to learn lessons from the things we do, but when it comes to any autoimmune condition, that is not to lay blame ....its just deal with it as best you can and just keep moving forward, stay positive and just know that God will help when He knows you can no longer cope on your own.
Blessings to you all.....

November 11, 2022

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Sterling, CT

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Sterling, CT

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