What's Working For PA?
Has anyone found anything besides meds that help with easing the stiffness caused by arthritis?
Stretching, less foods that cause inflammation, and just keep moving. One year, I tried a vegetarian, almost vegan, diet and felt so good but then deficiencies began even with taking vitamins. It's so individual on what works.
Stretching and Yin Yoga. Look that up on youtube. Some people call it Restorative yoga. It is mostly done on the floor and you get into a position (sometimes using props) and relax your body for a few minutes and it helps to stretch your connective tissue. I have flares that cause a group of muscles to tighten up and not release. Most of the time it is either my left hip or my left shoulder. I have a youtube video for tight hips that I do for the hips and another one for upper body that I do when my shoulder is tight. The youtube channel is called, Yoga with Kassandra. Another thing that helps me a ton is ice packs. I got a large ice pack from Koocare on amazon that is for wrapping around an arm or shoulder. I can lay it out flat and it's big enough to cover most of my upper back. When I have pain/inflammation in my shoulders I lay it out and lay down on it. It isn't so cold so you can keep it on longer and it stays at a good temperature for longer. I get myofascial trigger points around my shoulders and this helps them go away sometimes. It helps the muscles to release and reduces inflammation. I can also roll it or the top of it to put up around my neck. Myofascial Release therapy also helps a ton. I had so much pain that I couldn't raise my arms up very high and I was going to chop off my hair because it was too painful to brush it. A doctor referred me to a place to do myofascial release and it really helped a lot. It really hurts and sometimes bruises but it also feels amazingly better at the same time. Also, I felt immediate relief and was able to lift my arms without pain after the first visit. I was hunched over some from it and when I walked out the door I was able to stand tall again. I had to go 3 times for them to get them all and now and they were really bad. I occasionally get more after a flare (usually when it's raining/snowing etc). The ice packs help release some and then if I have any that I can't get to release I go and they do it for me. There is also a massage trigger point cane that you can buy on amazon. I don't have one yet but I think I should get one.
Good morning. My mistake, I do yoga 5 times per WEEK, not per day, some times for , 30 minutes, or another times if I feel well I do 2 classes ( for different body parts) and that will be for an hour or an hour and a half. Blessings brave people.
Stretching. When sitting, get up often.
Hi. Good advice, I have PsA and I have been doing yoga for 2 years ( look in YouTube for your yoga class, and I use 2 1/2 inches yoga mats) 2 years ago When I started, I could barely walk, I was in a lot of pain and felt so stiff, I do hata yoga, and the lessons I feel like doing, at least 5 times per day, it's been the best thing for me, God bless you.
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