Anyone Else An Adult With Gutterate Psoriasis You Usually Get It As A Kid But I’m 44
It means I don’t itch and the lesions aren’t painful all the time but my joints and bones suffer
I have been blaming that on an outbreak of fleas we got after heavy rains last year. Nobody else in my household got them, but I spend time in the garden and they don’t. I bet I got bitten and that was a trigger for my rash. As you mention, Benadryl helps. I’ve had good results with another product my Mom got me, Cerave Itch Relief.
Guttate psoriasis is most common in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, but it can occur at any age. While it primarily affects children and young adults, it is not exclusive to these age groups. If you are experiencing guttate psoriasis at 44, it is less common but still possible. It's important to work with a Show Full Answer
Big Hug!
I developed it at 48 after a positive Lyme disease diagnosis. This among numerous autoimmune diseases and organ and nervous system damage☹️
anyone who suffers from itch should try a hayfever tablet! My Rheumatologist suggested this and it was an instant cure. The photo on the left was before any treatment, the itch and the burning made me suicidal. It was driving me insane. I can't believe a hayfever tablet stopped the itch completely! Then I went on Amgevita and it cleared my skin completely. It has done nothing so far for the arthritis and I can only walk a few steps now
Psoarsis In Later Life
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