How Do You Overcome Online Communication Limitations While Posting?
What about Our 1st Amendment Rights?
What limitations? If you mean censorship, well screw the censors. I type what I want to type.
As a person who’s executive-level career was focused through “online” and web-based media, I can tell you, be thankful we have this space, which rarely restricts our conversations! Because all those other platforms bounce you on your ass for the simplest communicae they deem against their asinine code of conduct.
Chat away!!!!
@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member, Be yourself and post away😁
I think My Q&A may have to do with the Traditional vs. Modern Forms of Support that Exist Today... limitations as in .... We are Supported in a much different Light while Posting Online. It is Convenient yea, is a whole lot of Fun yep, is even rather Educational at Times; but I think We still yearn for the Traditional Support Group Scenario which indeed Limits Us in a Particularly Good Way, that is Healthy.Not sayin' that Postin' Online ain't Healthy, just sayin', it's Food for thought.🙂
@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member, I totally understand what you are saying and yes, I agree. I had to step out of my comfort zone, to join this forum. I do not do any other form of social media; FB, Twitter, IG., and actually do not like it, but that is me. I also had looked into attending a traditional group setting, then covid happened. Being online, is not as personal nor traditional, but is a format of communication for others like us. Have a great weekend😊😇
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