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Does Anyone Have Issues With Their Nail Beds? Like Deep Lines And Indentations Side To Side?

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Camden, NJ

Good day,
I am having really painful indentations on my nails side to side. It feels like someone is pressing down on them constantly. They dip in all the way to the nail bed and is on all my nail. Nothing I do relieves it and I research online but can't pinpoint it. Greatful for any and all your help or suggestions. 🙏💪& ✌️

July 23, 2023
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

These have helped me significantly

July 28, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I can’t relate to this particular issue, have you tried soaking them in an Apple cider vinegar and water mix? It’s is an antifungal, and antibacterial, Might help?

July 24, 2023 (edited)
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I get everything you see at Costco, though other stores (besides Kirkland) will have similar, if not the same, supplements. May have to put another pic on another reply.

July 28, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Lol well clear nail polish is quite common for all the very many men who get manicures actually ‘but’ i had to stop because it smothers the nails and makes the lifting even worse. So i would advise against it for anyone with nail issues unless it is a breathable formula to be tried, (which does exist now according to online ads).

I hear ya with the pain when those indentations develop. It’s like having a hammer smash your nail non-stop. It pinches nerve endings and blood vessels. Can’t bump them on anything even slightly without a quick reminder of how debilitating it really is. These Dr.’s who suggest nothing are really lazy, part of the 10 minute $$ machine, or afraid to widen their knowledge base to treat the ‘whole patient’. That would require effort on their part in a ‘business’ that benefits by sticking to one wheelhouse to be billed as specialists. Why buck the system right? They get paid the same whether they actually help improve our lives or not. Always question them is my way now. They may not like it, but that’s why we are there to see them isn’t it. My workers comp pain clinic Dr and i got into some really good conversations as a result. He got used to me and answered my questions without hesitation after those initial appts where i bugged him, as do his staff. Make them know you better.

I soaked mine in the peroxide 2-3 times a day just for a couple minutes though. Gently pushing down the end of each finger where the nails are lifted, (rather than lifting the nails too much) and dunking the first finger joints only like a donut to get the peroxide all the way in there. Use an already wet cloth or paper towel to wipe peroxide off your skin but leaving it under the nails. Then pat dry. Add a little lotion to your fingers and hands if you think you should because they ‘can’ get drier from this. I washed my hands as usual when needed throughout the rest of the day/night.

I hope this helps with yours. Make sure not to rub your eyes afterwards! 🙂

July 25, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member Well you just reminded my absent minded self, i did soak my nails in peroxide several times daily before the psoriasis cleared up!! I had ‘totally forgotten’ that i had noticed my nails smelled off because they were lifting from the beds at that time. No scrubbing or washing helped. The peroxide sure did though. All kinds of gross gets under there just from daily living when the P lifts them up. Vinegar should work great too and maybe won’t dry them as bad😉 Thank you Jules! Now hopefully that is locked in my head for if it returns to my nails😀 I try to remember stuff but i am fighting the ‘Kelly Bundy Effect’ all the time…One thought goes in, 5 go out lol. I still have the textured vertical lines on my nails, but no more pitting or lifting.

July 24, 2023

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