What Happens If I Take A Biologic And Get Sick?
Hi Robina.. I have been on a biological for 16 years and it has no adverse affects as far as allowing low level infections to surge to the forefront . This is a misconception . Biological drugs do not shut down the immune system but they do depending on the one being used suppress parts of it which can make one more succeptual to certain sickness. The biologic that I am on was thoroughly explained to me by my dermatologist for my agreement to use it .As you stated Everyone reacts based on their own level of health!!There are many many people on this wonderful site that have researched the use of biological,many have tried more than one ,to finally get relief from Ps and PSA.While there can be unpleasant side effects with some that probably do not help or do help but cause sickness issues ,there are many who find relief from a most horrible disease . I for one have tried many before finding a biologic that has made my life worth living .T here was a time in my flare up days that I would have drank battery acid if it would relieve the torcher I was in . Everyone has the right to refuse but please research the drug you are asked to take before agreement to use it and if it has bad side effects try another one . Quality of life is so worth it .Without quality,quantity is very difficult to live with . Stay Safe,God Blessand Keep Smiling ...Paul
The problem with a biologic is that it turns off your immune system and that can let a low-level infection surge to the forefront. Everyone reacts based on their own level of health. I refuse biologics for that reason.
Hi Doug 965.I have been on a Biologic since 2007 and have never been sick at all. I get an injection of Stelara every 12 weeks .How long are you sick after your injection? Suggest your derm to try another Biologic .Paul
Art515, there is no medical plan to get better if the meds don't work for you. It's a natural whole-body wellness plan that will help. Doctors won't talk about your diet so you will need to find a holistic naturopath or herbalist willing to do the research.
It works for some and not for others, I just cant with the synthetic chemicals.
Why Do You Think I’ve Had A Flare Up All Over My Body .I’ve Had Psoriasis Since The Age Of Seven I’m Now Seventy One And This Is The Worst ,
Has Anyone Able To Get Biological Meds Thru Medicare Part D The Cost Out Pocket For Me They Want 3000.00 A Month
What Is The Best Biologic For Psorisis Today,