Psoriasis On Face, Need Advice On Makeup
I’ve had psoriasis for 50 years. It has been mostly confined to legs, arms, scalp, all easily covered by clothing. Suddenly I’m having plaques everywhere and now I’m getting lesions on my face. I’m not on any medications for psoriasis and only use topicals with mediocre results.
Does anyone know of a brand of makeup or concealer that won’t aggravate the lesions on my face and also provide some cover up?
Thank you, any advice is appreciated.
Thank you, I will try it.
@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member I have had plaque psoriasis for over 30 years, I have tried creams, ointments, light treatments everything except biologics as I am not a canidate for most biologics due to a condition I acquired while under going treatments for breast cancer. Sunshine and a natural body of salt water do help for sure! Clobetasol works for me too. But thru this site I did great all natural product. It is Lucraderm you drink it once a day, and it has changed my life! I still do not have PSA and I am thankful for that! I wish you the best of luck on you journey 🙏🏼
Sorry this is happening to you its not fair …. Have you tried sitting in the sun without getting burnt.
Yes, you can get Micellar water over the counter. They have many different options to choose from that will fit your skin type.
Hello!! As you I havinf psoriasis for 49 years. I had used every thing. I tried making alcohol, pure, 75% with marihuana leaf, keeping this for 3 weeks and then I use it. It was the only things that took the itching away . Also sun and ocean, going to the beach at the right time, early in the morning, before 12 AM and after 5PM. Taken bath and then sun... its really works
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