Anyone On Tremfya, And How Long Did It Take To Really Work?
Taking Tremfya for 3 months, trying to get off my prednisone
Hallo, I have used Tremfya only once. And it ruined my life. I’m 71, having psoriasis since 1992. Since 2016 I’m on biologicals and sadly for me they work only for a couple of months. Best was Cosentix which lasted two years. August 2023 my dermatologist prescribed Tremfya, but not before I had seen a reumatologist, to be sure that I didn’t have psoriathric athritis. (In the Netherlands this has something to do with cost control). Conclusion reumatologist: no PA.
August 12 I took the first injection and 48 hours later an excrusiating pain started that left me a complete cripple for four months. My concentration was down the drain, my memory had holes in it and my eysight changed (left eye seeing things bigger than the right eye). Conclusion of the reumatologist: Severe PA in every joint. And that seems to be irrevesible. Thank you Tremfya!
The producer of this poison, a company belonging to the American Bigfarma Johnston & Johnson, never found it necessary to respondent to the questions of my dermatologist.
So beware!
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