Are There Any Meetings, Discussions That We Can Go To In Person In Florida Soon?
I have mild symptoms but I keep developing new ones as years go by. Initially mild localized skin plaques, now I have pitted nails (mild but uncomfortable).
Hi @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member and & @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member - Awesome! I will have my colleague, Katrina, reach out to you via email to set up a call to connect and discuss the details! Feel free to reach out to me if you haven't received anything by the end of the tomorrow!
Hey @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member & @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member 👋🏼 That is correct 😊 my team and I are working out the details and we will let you know as soon as possible! Will either of you (or both) like to partner up with me to lead and facilitate it? (No pressure! We will support you and be with you along the way!)
Yes, I would love to do that too. Please let me know how I can get involved.
I get them on all fingers and toe nails too but I only get them on one or two sites at a time. I think stress seems to trigger it in my case. The dermatologist that diagnosed my skin condition said that biologics were the best treatment for nails. I haven't had to get treatment for it yet as my symptoms are still mild. It would be helpful to find out what exactly triggers it.
I have pitted nails not only on my hands but now on my toes as well 😞
Has Anyone With Psoriasis And On The Biological Injection Travelled To Asia/Australia ?
Has Anybody Been On Azapress?
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Psorasis In The Form Of White Spots?