What Shampoo Are Members Using For Scalp Psoriasis
I have suffered from scalp psoriasis. Also, I have itching around the back of my neck.
Katherine I, also, use Nizoral, but every other day. I just started using it too weeks ago. My hair was falling out because of the inflammation with psoriasis, but the shampoo has slowed that down. Thank goodness!
My Reumatologist recommended Nizoral. I use it twice a week and it is working really well. There is no after odor.https://www.healthline.com/health/psoriasis/bes...
I used prescription clobetesol form and betamethasone in liquid format.
I would use T,Gel before I shaved it all off and since I did that I don't have a problem with scalp psoriasis and that's not too say everyone should shave it off some men and most woman suit hair short and long x
been using coal tar with good results, to the point i do not need to use as often!
I Have Scalp Psoriasis,any Suggestions?
What Is The Best Shampoo To Use On The Scalp Over The Counter Or Prescription Or Any Type Of Solution Even During The Day
What Do Some Of You Do For Scalp Itch?