I Have Troubles With My Foot (Plantar Fasciitis). I've Had Instant Relief When Stretch By Reaching My Toes Whilst Standing.
I tried various stretches and massages. They work but I still keep getting pains again.
I found that stretching with knees straight whilst trying to touch my toes in a standing up position is the most effective stretch for me. It is an instant relief every time I do it.
The pain and stiffness eventually comes back but continuing with this stretching exercise might be the solution.
I just wanted to share my experience with anyone in a similar situation in hopes that this helps you too.
Thanks for the suggestions @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member & @A MyPsoriasisTeam Member. I'll try out different foot supports at home. The pain takes place particular after standing from sitting on the couch but not as much after standing from siting on a higher chair. This definitely shows how interconnected our muscles and tendons are. I had this problem since August last year (persisted for 5 months) but I feel like it is getting better now. Stretches must've helped. I will definitely try to do Yoga soon. I know from past experiences that they do generally make body aches go away.
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