Has Anyone Used Acetretin For Psoriasis And How Was It?
My name is Karen and I have psoriasis and osteoporosis.
Hi Karen, Ideally Acitretin should help psoriasis all over your body, maybe depending on your dose, atm my dose is 25 a day since December but for years it was only 10mg and to help my hands & feet further I use Mometasone Furoate ointment & Fludroxycortide tape that my dermatologist has prescribed me, the tape you can cut to size for your fingers and feet & elsewhere on your body. And for my scalp I use EtrIvex medicated shampoo. I live in the U.K. so names may be different to the U.S. I’m also on Anti TNF Simponi for my arthritis which has helped my psoriasis, except for my hands & feet my psoriasis is behaving itself.
Hope your have a rest-bite of your psoriasis soon.
I’ve been on Acitretin 3 weeks, fingers are better but still have numerous tiny cuts. I use Zoryve at night on everything and I think it helps. My feet are clearing up with Amlactin mixed with Urea 2 x’s a day. Hang in there🥰🤗
Hi Karen I’ve been taking Acitretin for over 10 yrs now, I have regular blood tests for Cholesterol etc. I moved up from 10mg to 25mg earlier this year as the lower dose wasn’t keeping my psoriasis under control, now I’m psoriasis free, being on 25mg of Acitretin effected my lips & nose and I lost a bit of hair which has grown back. For me I’d rather have those side effects than having psoriasis all over my hands.
Hi Karen, I’m seeing my dermatologist next Friday & I’m having my fasting blood test this week.
Cholesterol can increase on certain drugs like Acitretin, so your dermatologist keeps a eye on it & if it increases to high they’ll write to your GP who’ll then call you.
When mine increases I’ll stop eating chocolate & red meat etc, but in general my bad cholesterol is borderline so I try to keep it down by avoiding certain foods & I stopped drinking 35 yrs ago due to having PsA, I have been told in the past that I may have to go on statins.
I’ve had psoriatic arthritis for 40 yrs & I’ve had dreadful psoriasis in the past but at the moment it’s now only on my feet, as I had foot surgery two wks ago, as usual I’ve have a flare up. I’ve been on a lot of different meds throughout the time I’ve had psoriasis & so far I’ve not been on statins Hope your appointment goes well next week Karen.
Thank you Lesley Mae. That is really helpful. Do you take anything for cholesterol? Mine is high but I wasn't sure if psoriasis drugs like acetretin could help although I know high cholesterol can be a side effect of psoriasis. I am going to the lipid clinic about it this month.
Your answer has given me the courage to try acetretin which the dermatologist recommended. I am speaking to her on Monday.
I also live in the UK so hopefully she will be familiar with the other products you mentioned.
Do you limit anything in your diet to stop flares? I find chocolate and ice cream seem to set me off 😔 so I've cut them out . I also was advised to stay off red meat and saturated fats for her high cholesterol.
It is so kind of you to share your knowledge and I really do appreciate it.💛 Thank you.
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