Bad. Very Bad. High Histamine And High Oxalate And Most Are High In Mold.
Ronald, try drinking marshmallow tea. Tea bags or use a traspoon of loose leaf, it helps heals the stomach by protecting the lining so it has time to heal. Fiber is not good for damaged stomach or intestines as it acts like rocks in a dryer. Scratching and scraping the the sides. Mold can also be a problem, air purifiers that work to remove mold from the air can help too.
When you think about histamines that accumulate and result in an allergic reaction and the amount of oxalates we feed kids in general its no wonder kids are allergic to peanuts. Oxalates also accumulate and are hard to process out. Just like histamines. If our DAO enzyme production is compromised in any way like by gut damage, then our process for eliminating histamines slows and histamine builds until it grows into a mast cell issue. Mast cells line our stomach, esophagus , eyelids, nose and sinus area, throat and intestines. When activated they weep and produce mucus. Allergy symptoms. It is all connected.
What can be done? Eat apples and blueberries, organic of course, these are sources of queritin (spelling) that help calm mast cells. Take DAO supplement like beef kidney capsules or eat fresh liver( cook it please) and remove high hisatmine foods. Get an air purifier and clean it regularly and keep it up. These things will help overtime. When you get to the point where your body has caught up because you stopped filling it with too much to process you will notice.
Honey cough drops instead if Rolaid's or tums. Organic Ricola is what I use.
Going low oxalate has been the best thing for me. It's been almost six years now. There are so few nutrients in modern food(synthetic vitamins dont absorb), I didn't miss it. And since oxalate and phytic acid block nutrient absorption I am doing much better. Mindfulness is key. Healthy fat before coffee keeps blood sugar balanced and gets rid of brain fog. Now if my knees would just get over themselves! ðŸ«
All oxalates are the same poison and do the same damage, it is in all plants in different degrees. It is good to research a list and keep it handy. But going low ox cold turkey brings on other symptoms caused by oxalate crystals leaving the body.
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