May Is Mental Health Awareness Month. Any Advice For Someone Newly Diagnosed With Psoriasis Or Psoriatic Arthritis?
When I was first diagnosed with psoriatic arthrits Methotrexate was a godsend, Once a week shot that took away all my symptoms including ones I didn"t know were related to PSA -mouth sores, tennis elbow chostochondritis and more.
Also I had just retired and was able to play tennis, golf, swim and hike without pain and more energy than I had in years. Inexpensive and minimally immunnosuppressive. Remission lasted over 5 years. Unfortunately the next four meds have not been successful. Optimistic as there are so many drugs available now, Keep moving with low impact activities - walking, swimming and stretching.
Good luck!
I gave up explaining it to people, it makes me f***** crazy 🤬 I can't hear al the blabla enymore 👊👊 We need to try blabla and blabla, and then we can breakdance again...🤐
Fresh, not processed, foods has helped me so much
Give yourself grace and practice self-care. If you find something that works for you then do it! Acceptance and gratitude go a long way. research, learn, stay informed.
I agree that learning everything you can about psoriatic arthritis is important. It can empower you and allow you to feel that you are more in control over it, than it is over you. Know your limitations to physical and emotional stress, have a good sleep routine, eat a balanced diet, and follow your medication recommendations. Everyone reacts differently to this condition as well as the medical treatments prescribed. You know your body best so advocate for what you need and work with your doctors to find the best solutions to give you the best quality of life that is possible. Know that there is no cure for this, but scientists and doctors are working very hard on this and continue to come up with better and better treatments. Our cups are half full because many of us know that it can be a lot worse. One of my coping mechanisms is to use the phrase "It is what it is." I personally know that it can be a lot worse and I choose to live life. Attitude is half the battle my friend. Good luck on your journey!
Help With Medical Team
How Do You Know If You Have Psoriatic Arthritus?
ISO Info On Slowing Psa ( Onset ? Or ) Progression