I Have Palmoplantar Psoriasis- Palms And Feet (new Sufferer). Are There Any Fellow Sufferers On This Site That I Can Ask Some Questions Of?
Not PPP apparently - in that no pustules on hands and feet - just very thick skin, tight, itchy, burning feeling (feet) and big cracks/fissures on heels and balls of both feet.
I developed this type of psoriasis after a series of vaccines in 2017. I controlled a lot of symptoms with diet and supplements. I recommend reading Healing Psoriasis by John Pagano (you can find Kindle version on Amazon). I purchased the products suggested in the book at Baar.com. It was a lifesaver, but the bottoms of my feet would not clear. A year ago, I searched blogs, etc. again for an answer to help because my feet would continue to split and continuously sore to the point I could not walk. Someone on a blog suggested Lion's Mane mushrooms. I started taking Lion's Mane mushroom pills from Real Mushroom and Host Defense Mushrooms. I have branched out taking many forms of mushrooms both pill form and liquid. My feet started clearing up--to this day I no longer have eruptions and all the scaly areas are clearing up. My goal is to be able to wear sandals again this summer. Also, I am able to walk long distances.
Yes, you can connect with fellow sufferers on MyPsoriasisTeam, a social network specifically for people with psoriasis. There, you can share your story, ask questions about palmoplantar psoriasis, and participate in ongoing conversations. With over 123,000 members, you'll find many who understand exactly what you're going Show Full Answer
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