Interested To Know What Member Experiences Over Varying Time Periods Have Been With This Methotrexate, As A Systematic Treatment.
My psorasis skin issues have been good for many years. When I 1st started on humira alone it cleared my skin psorasis in 2011. But my psoratic arthritis was not good. Added MTX to help biologic for PsA. After 10 years my skin broke out. I have text book plaque psorasis since a baby. After trying talz,skirizi which did not work. I am now on enbrel and MTX and is working for both skin is clear and my joints and pain with PsA is good.
Peggy this is Good News. So the Methotrexate eliminated your psoriasis spots and itching is that right? Were there some unpleasant side effects or did you sail through largely free of unpleasantries ? Rgds, Max
I have been on methroxrate 12 years. No problem . It helps my biologic medicine.
I take pills. Been on 25 mg a week now, when I was in remission down to 10 mg a week.
Members have shared various experiences with methotrexate as a systemic treatment for psoriasis:
- Long-Term Use: Some members have used methotrexate for many years with minimal trouble. However, over time, some have found it increasingly difficult to tolerate
- Effectiveness: One member noted that methotrexate helped Show Full Answer
Interested To Know What Member Experiences Over Varying Time Periods Have Been With This Methotrexate, As A Systematic Treatment.
Has Anyone Ever Had Their Flaky Psoriasis Completely Go Away!
I Would Like To Hear About Folks Experience With Methotrexate.