Anybody Experience Flares After Having COVID? My Symptoms Of Fatigue, Brain Fog And Psoriatic Arthritis, Intensified After Having COVID 2x
I was fully vaccinated.
You probably did! I think it influenced my flares, but really why doesn't matter anymore. I just am going to work on what I can improve now. Right?
My psoriatic arthritis has been steadily getting worse over the past 3 yrs. Even though I was only recently diagnosed I've had problems with PsA since I was in college just had no idea that's what it was. I've had covid 2x but have no idea if that affects my PsA or not. I do think that the pandemic was a major stressor for me and that's what "kick started" the severity of my disease.
I could swear I answered this question already so I won't elaborate. Yes.
OMGosh, I thought I was imagining things. I was doing pretty good heading into my retirement until I recovered from my 2 COVID Infections. I can't say if it was first or the second
Experiencing intensified symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, and psoriatic arthritis after having COVID-19 is something that others have reported as well. Psoriatic arthritis flares can be triggered by various factors, including infections. Here are some key points to consider:
- Flares and Infections: Infections, including Show Full Answer
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