What Is Pustule Psoriasis?
Thanks for the info!!
Pustular psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis characterized by painful red skin with white, pus-filled bumps called pustules. These pustules are sterile, meaning they are germ-free and not caused by an infection. Instead, they result from an overactive immune response to injury, increasing white blood cells in the skin Show Full Answer
Hi TeresaC. From what I know so far, Pustular Ps. can show Up unexpectedly based on an altered Immunity or be an adverse reaction from using a Topical Cream to taking an Oral Prescription Drug. This is a Web Page I found on the Internet that explains it a bit better. https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrEscqZCqxmhvQ...
Anyone Deal With Pustules? I’ve Had For A Week And Very Painful.
Pustular Psiorisis
Can Psoriasis Appear Has Red Or Purplish Bumps On Skin That Are Pus Filled? I Have Them All Over My Arms, Shoulders, Breasts And Sides.