What Would U Say To Trading Your Pills For A Glass Of Milk? It's True!
link: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrFETshnrZmvAQ...
Really Interesting Animal Science-tell Me what U think.🙂
I skimmed (lol) the article and didn't see anything about PSA or PSO???
No thanks - I’ll pass!!
What about you?
These studies always make me a little hesitant, man with all his good intentions does not always work out the way he plans.
God had a great plan and it works rather well until we want to improve it, henceforth the problems begin. Now we need a hundred new inventions to fix the original improvement.
Just saying.
I’ll drink the milk
If I had a reliable source of raw milk. Yes
Wondering Why There Are So Many People With Psoriasis. Is It The Food We Eat? Cows And Chickens Are Injected With Hormones And We Ingest.
Has Anybody Tried That Allergy Test That Tests For 100's Of Allergens?
Help.Does Anyone Use Hydroxycine For The Itch Of Psoriasis As I Am In Trouble.