Any Input On Whether To Increase Dosage Or Frequency Of Infliximab If It Loses Effectiveness At 5 To 6 Weeks.
I take methotrexate, and 20 mg of leflunomide. Infliximab infusions every 8 weeks. Since I started on the 8 week routine, it seems to lose effectiveness around the 5th to 6th week. I am also hoping to discontinue the methotrexate. Does anyone have any thoughts on if it is better to increase frequency versus increase dosage of infliximab. I tolerate it well so far, but end up in some pain prior to the next dose. Thank you.
I Am Looking For Information Regarding Simponi Aria Infusion Treatment - Pros, Cons, Successes, Failures. I Am Reluctant To Try. Thanks!
Has Anyone Been Prescribed Cosentyx? What Does Loading Dose And Maintenance Dose Mean?
I Would Like To Hear About Folks Experience With Methotrexate.