Should I Be Seeking The Advise Of A Dermatologist? My Rheumatologist Insists My Arthritis Is RA Not PSA?
In the very onset I went to a rheumatologist and then I ended up with a dermatologist. The rheumatologist was knowledgeable and helpful somewhat but I got my initial official diagnosis from the dermatologist. They may have seen more cases of this I'm not sure. But they definitely know very likely more so the effects it has with skin. My rheumatologist thought I had arthritis but not defined of what kind. The dermatologist just took one look and he said I had classic symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, at the time he first said psoriasis.. but the arthritis followed very soon.
If your rheumatologist believes your arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and not psoriatic arthritis (PsA), but you have skin symptoms like psoriasis, it may be helpful to consult a dermatologist. Dermatologists specialize in skin conditions and can help confirm or rule out psoriasis, which is often linked to PsA Show Full Answer
How Do You Know If You Have Psoriatic Arthritus?
Was There Anyone Who Was Told That They Didn't Have Psa And Later Found Out They Did
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