Please Tell Me Which Moisturizer And Oil Is Best To Use In Cold Weather.
Any lotion with urea will give you that exfoliation as well as lock in moisture.
Cerave makes one with urea for psorasis. But it’s much more expensive and there are other lotions with the exact same ingredients.
For really rough or dry skin I often use glycolic acid first then urea lotion. Glycolic acid toner can also be great for psoriasis. ☺️
You want a moisturizer but it should exfoliate also. Look in the skin care department at a store and see under lotions where it says psoriasis formula on the container. I'm not sure with using oils as that may plug the skin pores and if it does that may lead to more inflammation. Not good. Hope you find something that works soon. Cold weather is awful
I’ve recently started using Aquaphor Advanced Therapy ointment and am happy with it so far.
For cold weather, heavy creams, ointments, and oils are best for maximum moisturizing. Look for products that are dye-free and fragrance-free to avoid irritation. Goat milk lotions, coconut oil, and rosehip oil are highly recommended by others with psoriasis. You can also try keeping your lotion in the fridge for a Show Full Answer
Does Anyone Know Anything To Use Apart From Moisturiser ?
I Had A Real Bad Player Up And I Started Using This Lotion
Recommendation For A Suitable Moisturizer