If you have psoriasis, you know your condition is much more than flaky skin or scaly plaques. Psoriasis can have hidden impacts that others may never see — itch or joint pain that keeps you up at night or self-consciousness about your skin that negatively affects your personal or professional life.1,2
Have you thought lately about how psoriasis is affecting more than just your skin? Take this six-question quiz, and then share your results with your dermatologist.
Share your quiz results with your doctor. Let them know how psoriasis is affecting more than just your skin.
Read more about how having a systemic condition like psoriasis may impact your overall health.
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Does Psoriasis Make Your Stomach Felling Bloated And Gassy And Hot Inside
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member
I have been on Skyrizi for three years and it was amazingly effective at clearing my psoriasis. But following the last two injections I have seen a significant increase in symptoms and reduction in… read more
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