In a recent survey of MyPsoriasisTeam members, respondents discussed the impact psoriasis can have on quality of life and emotional well-being. Members also shared which symptoms they’ve experienced and their desired treatment outcomes.
MyPsoriasisTeam conducted a survey with 98 members in the United States who have been diagnosed with psoriasis.
The survey asked members about:
MyPsoriasisTeam shares the results of these member surveys so this community can learn from each other’s experiences.
Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of those who took the survey said psoriasis interferes with their quality of life. Almost half (47 percent) said psoriasis gets in the way of their social life.
Mental health challenges were common among survey respondents. Seventy percent said that psoriasis makes them feel embarrassed. “I’m embarrassed and always looking for shirts to cover my arms,” one member wrote. Another shared, “My hands look awful. My skin is peeling and is so dry. I feel so embarrassed by them.”
More than half (58 percent) reported their psoriasis makes them feel depressed. “Psoriasis on the face can affect a person’s self-esteem and well-being, causing them to feel embarrassed and depressed,” a member wrote.
Survey respondents shared the symptoms they’ve experienced in the last year. The most common symptoms were:
In members’ own words:
Over 40 percent also experienced some joint related pain or stiffness, suggesting a possible progression to psoriatic arthritis.
Despite the potential for psoriasis to progress to psoriatic arthritis, only 39 percent of those surveyed have discussed this possibility with their doctor. A quarter of respondents said they were not aware that psoriasis could progress to psoriatic arthritis.
Respondents’ top treatment goals mirrored their most commonly experienced symptoms. Treatment goals included stopping the spread of plaques (64 percent), reducing the number or size of plaques (51 percent), preventing progression to psoriatic arthritis (45 percent), and reducing itching (42 percent).
When asked about treatment expectations, 64 percent said they would expect treatment to clear 90 percent or more of their plaques.
MyPsoriasisTeam is a social network for people living with psoriasis. On MyPsoriasisTeam, more than 126,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand what it’s like to be living with psoriasis.
How does psoriasis affect you? What advice do you have for others living with psoriasis? Describe your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.
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