Diet, Natural Remedies And Psoriasis Management
After a very long struggle to help my daughter manage her psoriasis, we found a homeopath who gave us some remedies, supplements and a diet. For a year we managed to clear all of it up except for a small patch on my daughter's chest. About 5 months ago it flared up again and is looking so nasty. We have gone back to the homeopath and using some sprays as well as supplements, digestive enzymes, probiotics, manganese, zinc etc. I'm wondering if anyone else out there has managed to work with diet… read more
I was watching a youtube video that said that psoriasis isn't a skin disease it is a lower intestinal problem, where food is not broken down properly and not neutralised and toxins escapes to the blood stream and psoriasis is the skin reacting in overdrive to expel the toxins. So I did what it said and cut out 5 things :
1. Red Meat & processed meat (apart from lamb), , now I only have lamb, chicken, turkey and fish
2. Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, (apart from blueberries),
3. Alcohol and dairy.
4. Anything with Sugar in it (including chocolate, sodas, fruit and fruit juices)
5. Processed Grains (Bread, White rice, pasta etc)I also mainly eat porridge for breakfast, lots of vegetables and salad, fresh soups.I am still working on expanding my diet but still keeping away from the above Then my all over psoriasis cleared up completely in 4 weeks!. Ive now started taking the following supplements to keep it clear:1.Probiotics (prevents inflamation and heals gut)
2. Vitamin D, (there's not much sun in Ireland)
3.Slippery Elms Capsules (protects against toxins and reduces inflammation)
4. Omega oil Capsules. (helps to reduce inflammation)Feeling great for 1st time in 20 years! anyone else had similar experiences?
my psoriasis gets used to anything I do after a period of whatever time it thinks its up. I have gone vegan, I have gone gluten free. I have mostly always been lacto-ovo vegetarian to begin with--having eaten salmon and chicken occasionally. I have people tell me all the time to stop dairy. I hated tomatoes as a young child, but was forced to eat them because we grew them in the garden--then I find out years later that tomatoes give me--now--an almost instant break out. I can't believe how many things have tomatoes in them--read the labels! I recently stopped potatoes--I was reluctant to do so, but finally did that in the past 3yrs or so. Eggplant not a problem--had it once, its awful. I've had my blood allergy tested twice, and if I were to stay away from all the things listed, I could barely eat.
I do need to stay away from sugar more. this is tough--but I have been successful, but I'm on the wagon, off the wagon.
The homeopath I went to was a great help psychologically, but the drops and things he gave me, I did not find helpful--and because insurance did not cover his costs, I could no longer pay out of pocket to keep seeing him.
I could go on and on. my deepest sympathies.
Breaks my heart to see you and your daughter fight so hard against it. I like using Natural Calm (magnesium supllement) to control my stress and hence reduce psorasis flare up.. I won't use the cream as really it is useless to me. Had psorasis for 2 and a half decade... really, medication does nothing for me. Psorasis will adapt to new med and flare up again. Best is homeopathic and reduce stress.
I also quit red meat of all kinds and I eat fish and chicken I have not stopped all of the other things and my psoriasis cleared up almost completely I had a small patch on my knee and elbow which I cleared the knee one with coaltar solution and the elbow is going away to with coaltar
I start my day with a tea made from grated ginger and turmeric, with organic honey and lemon for taste. Then I drink water with ginger during the day
I add coconut oil and turmeric to everything that I can while cooking.
I'm sorry you and your daughter have to go through this.
Has Anyone Had Any Luck With A Naturopath And Natural Remedies/diet For Their PsA?
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