I have been on Enbrel for about 3 weeks. I inject 2x a week, monday and Thursday. During my last week I noticed injection site reaction. I did read that this is one of the most common side effects. Does anybody else have this issue? Is it okay to continue my injections even though I'm getting a big red spot?
Any reaction would be your body saying stop. You wouldn't let a wasp sting you repeatedly when the area reacts to the poison.
I have been on embrel for a few years now with no problem I was covered all over my body tried everything embrel is that only thing that has helped me I get regular blood tests and have had no problems I have been clear since I started taking it
Call your Dermatologist.
I had a reaction the first two times but not the third and fourth except small bruise
my husband has to use injections for rheumatoid arthritis and the doctors advise injecting in a different leg each week, not the same one all the time
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