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Looking For All The Advice And Opinions I Can Get Please ☹️

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Motherwell, UK

Had plague psoriasis from the age of 11 til 17. Was on my arms legs head and abdomen then disappeared through treatment. During that period I had a very active lifestyle, played football 5 times a week, had a happy work and home life with very little stress.

Returned when I was 24, head became completely covered and would crack on a daily basis and cause severe pain, had random flare ups on my upper thighs and arms, also appeared in my ears. Last year it began to form down below. This has been… read more

August 21, 2018
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Hey,google and read Noah Cicero's blog "I got rid of almost all my psoriasis". it's one of the best reads, I'm still in the process of finding the right soaps, moisturisers and ointments for my skin, slowly making changes in my diet and my lifestyle (less alcohol, more fitness) and am taking the vitamins. I have booked to start sunbed sessions which has worked for me in the past, but this time round, my psoriasis flared up bad but I think it's because i got frustrated, lazy and basically gave in to it. I started changes about 6 weeks ago and to be honest, NOTHING is working, in fact i have more spots appearing on my hands and feet BUT, I'll persevere, with the addition of sunbed, it may never go away completely but anything to help reduce it helpful?

September 11, 2018
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Just wondering have you ever had a food intolerance test? Could be something you taste test at work or just in your diet that aggravates it. Might be worth having vitamin D3 levels checked too.
Having worked in hospitality for years when I was younger, guessing the heat and stress of the kitchen aren’t a great help. Any chance of a little time out every few hours? Guessing the pace doesn’t permit.

August 22, 2018
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Oh dear, sounds like you have had a really rough run of it. I don’t think people realise how badly physically and mentally Psoriasis can affect your life.
What has the hospital recommended as a treatment plan? Presume you are with a dermatology specialist now.
Hope you get some effective treatment very soon.

August 22, 2018

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