If you have psoriasis and arthritis can it be concluded that you have PsA ? I was diagnosed w/psoriasis recently and 2 yrs ago osteoarthritis... so could this be a wrong diagnosis on my arthritis and I actually have PsA ????? Would like for medical professional to respond please... my pain is severe in spine , wrist, and knees or ankles....hip sometimes (only 1) and fingers swell ???
Agree with above answers. There are other conditions that run alongside this autoimmune problem like ankylosing spondylitis ) and it is possible to have osteoarthritis or RA in addition to PSA)... so Rheumatologist can give accurate do after an exam and some bloodwork.
If you haven't already seen a rheumatologist is time. Only 3% of the Psoriasis patients will develop PSA. Mine started on my fingers. Also there are more inflamatory diseases that can get misdiagnosed with the Arthritis. So you better get an appointment soon.
PsA is psoriatic arthritis. You can have PsA and RA and OA. PsA can lead to OA bu slower than RA.
I understand Geri. At 33 began walking with a can which went on for 3 years, then at 36 I went from a walker to a wheelchair and power chair. It was very depressing. By a miracle after moving from Chicago to GA the same insurance company granted me a knee replacement. That is the only reason that Iām walking today.
I understand for sure. I take tramadol for pain but it really dosent help that much. Gabapentin works really well for my nerves, seizures and nueropathy along with Cymbalta. I still an may always have a lot of brain fog and fatigue. I take 600mg of trazodone to sleep. Like you all I can do is trust in the Lord and I do. After being bedridden for 3 years I can now walk so for that I am so thankful. I hope you are having a really good day.
Medicare Support For Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis
I Was Diqgnosed In Dec With PsA. Should I Be Worried Enough To See My GP Re My Big Toe? Am On MtX And Prednisone. TIA
Anyone Have Psa And Has Got SSA Disability From The USPS Please Give Some Advice.