Is There A Test To Prove You Have Psoriatic Arthritis
been tested for the skin version came back that I did have it. I have had arthritis since the age of 41 but was always told it is Osteoarthritis, I told my doctor that and asked if this finally could be the arthritis I have had all along and could I be tested, She said not lab tests tell you that. Is anyone out there experienced that and if so what did you do? I am thinking I need a different arthritis doctor.🤔
There is a blood test - called HLBA-27. I tested positive and have psoriatic arthritis.
Others can test positive and have “Ankylosing spondylitis” .
An arthritic condition where the vertebrae’s in your back fuse together.. ENBREL works wonders !
That's kind of standard practice. I had that done also to no avail. Then severe pain in my hands and my knuckles started to get huge. This was right in the middle of covid. So I wasn't attended properly.
I had gone to lots of Dermatologists which turned out, eh.... I have used the ultraviolet light, every cream imaginable and I am on Cosentyx injections along with methotrexate and some creams. It has slowed things way done.
I have episodes when the weather changes, and of course when life is stressful.
I feel my savings grace so far is the wonderful new rheumatologist. In my opinion he's really making a difference.
If your gut tells you to see another doctor because you are not seeing progress then please do.
Best wishes... and hopes you find what helps you... đź’–đź’–
Here you go Mary. It’s a simple blood test . Positive test means you have one on 3 things as you can read . Hope that helped. ❤️
My dermatologist did a biopsy and the Rheumatologist did blood test and x-rays . It confirmed it was psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis .
This is Marlene here, I just want to thank Susan 204 for that information. I will look into getting this done.
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